Ge developed the DS200LDCCH1AGA card for use as a driver control and local area network (LAN) communication board. The card is installed in a Mark V Series replacement drive board compatible with GE brand DIRECTO-MATIC 2000 drives and exciters. When installed in a drive, the board provides the drive with a range of drive and I/O control functions. The larger Mark V turbine control system family to which the DS200LDCCH1AGA PCB belongs is considered a traditional GE product family, as its production was discontinued years after its initial release. While that attribution is correct, the larger Mark V series of this DS200LDCCH1AGA Drive Control/LAN communication board is also considered one of the last in GE’s Mark product line, It utilizes the company’s patented Speedtronic control system technology, which was first released with the Mark I series concept in the late 1960s. This DS200LDCCH1AGA printed circuit board was not originally developed with a specific function to appear in GE’s Mark V family of steam turbine control systems; This will be the DS200LDCCH1 mother PCB missing all three important product versions of the DS200LDCCH1AGA product.
GE DS200LDCCH1AGA Mark V Communication Module, Enhanced Control & Monitoring

Hardware tips and specifications

As with any device in the GE Mark V series; The functionality of this DS200LDCCH1AGA PCB is introduced by the inclusion of a specific family of hardware components and component specifications in its internal components. DS200LDCCH1AGA communication card board with four microprocessors. The LAN Control Processor (LCP) can be used to accept feeds to the drive in five different bus types. The Drive Control Processor (DCP) can also be used to handle analog and digital I/O conversions. DCP is also able to control and convert peripheral I/O devices, such as encoders and timers. A motor control processor (MCP) is provided to process the digital I/O sent to the drive. If computing requires additional processing power that a DCP cannot provide, a comotor processor (CMP) will provide the additional power needed to accomplish these functions. The board is equipped with an alphanumeric keyboard for system programming and diagnostic purposes. The six flash PROMS in the DS200LDCCH1AGA Drive Control/LAN Communications Board component are responsible for the configuration data storage of the DS200LDCCH1AGA device. Each of these PROMS is factory programmed, although the original DS200LDCCH1AGA instruction manual material states that they can be reprogrammed on site as needed. In order to diagnose and adapt to possible and common functional failure situations, the DS200LDCCH1AGA PCB also includes a separate RESET button in its components.

DS200LDCCH1AGA model has field adjustable parameters. One of these is the EEPROM U9, which will be programmed to download the drive configuration values needed to properly operate the LDCC unit. By moving the U9 from another driver control board, the EEPROM U9 firmware can be transferred directly to the LDCC unit.